Chicken with a hint of lemon, sherry and garlic served with veggies like zucchini and carrots. Like, totally California Sherry Chicken, dude! Serve with...
Neck bones are great with greens or cabbage. They can be baked or boiled, this recipe can be fixed either way. It depends upon how much attention you want...
These are enormous, stick-to-your-ribs kind of burgers with a surprise in the center. A real family favorite. I like to serve them on a bun topped with...
Chicken Florentine casserole, which can also be adapted with either fish or shrimp, lies on a bed of spinach leaves and mushrooms, has a creamy white sauce...
A delicious mix of chicken, pesto, veggies, and cheese all melted together on flavorful focaccia bread. Simple, fast, and very tasty - a nice change from...
These are a big hit in the summertime when everyone is tired of the same old hamburgers and hot dogs. Serve with or without buns and your favorite condiments....
This seasoning makes any steak awesome. This is the best. It doesn't overpower the steak. I can't eat a steak out anymore because I always compare it to...
This is a great recipe for smoked turkey. A barbecue grill is nearly impossible to cook a large bird. A smoker is best for this. I prefer hickory chips...
A creamy, Cheddar cheesy soup sauce cooked with chicken and a little seasoning in a slow cooker. This is an easy way to enjoy a great chicken dinner, even...
From Grandma Smith. From this recipe, I make one large casserole and one 8-inch round casserole. I think the recipe could be halved easily, but when making...
These ribs will have the smoky flavor without all the grilling time. It takes just 30 minutes on the grill to give the ribs that smoky flavor Southerners...
They say that whoever makes the most delicious thing with the fewest number of ingredients wins, which was the idea that inspired these. The recipe reminded...
This recipe makes a fantastic holiday meal, but everyone likes it so much that you won't wait for a holiday to make it again. Impressive as it looks and...
Butterflied chicken breasts are stuffed with a garlic, chive, and cream cheese mixture, wrapped with a slice of bacon, and topped with butter. Very delicious...
This is one of my favorite sandwiches to make, I whipped it up one day when I was trying to use up leftover ingredients. My family raved! It's also excellent...
Fire up the tiki torches -- it's time for a luau! This delicious slow-roasted pork is rubbed with sea salt and liquid smoke to recall the glorious flavors...
This has turned out to be my wife's absolute favorite recipe for filet mignon with mushrooms. The original called for about a third of the liquid, but...
This recipe isn't too difficult, but it looks like an expensive restaurant meal! It is the perfect way to fix up that pheasant, duck or even just a Cornish...
Got the recipe from my retired neighbor, and the taste is wonderful The second-day leftovers can be layered with mashed potatoes/whatever, turkey slices,...
A New England style turkey with maple syrup. It makes for a mellow Thanksgiving dinner. Try stuffing it with Cranberry, Sausage and Apple Stuffing. If...
Sometimes you just have to show off. This is one of my many recipes that looks very impressive to your dinner guests but is, in fact, quite simple and...
These enchiladas freeze beautifully and are fast to make. I like cooking the chicken breasts in my Instant Pot®, although a rotisserie chicken can be...
This is an extremely easy recipe that can be baked in a conventional oven or in a slow cooker. It combines potatoes with kielbasa or sausage baked in a...
I just love vinegar-based barbeque. I looked high and low for an easy recipe for North Carolina barbeque; this is it! Be warned; your friends will want...
Leftover chicken combines with yellow squash, onions, and a tasty cheese sauce in this comforting casserole. My son is not really fond of squash, but the...
Tired of plain old chicken, I put this together from ingredients I had on hand. With some say... garlic mashed potatoes, cranberry relish and a big salad......
These chicken stuffed shells are easy and very yummy. Plus they heat up as leftovers really well! My family loves them!!! I usually cook a 3-4 pound chicken...
Given to me by a friend who loves to experiment with recipes. A little kick of Southwestern cooking. Not too spicy, but can be made so with a little bit...
Marinate venison in a red wine based marinade for 12-36 hours depending on size of meat and age of deer. Then remove from marinade and grill or roast until...
This is a great easy recipe for last-minute guests or a busy weeknight when you want something a little special. You may want to double the sauce and serve...
After cooking meatballs in the air fryer, I will never bake them in the oven again. The insides stay nice and tender while the outsides get a slight crisp...